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Success case about FLUIDRA and their LPS pricing simulator

Success case about FLUIDRA and their LPS pricing simulator

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FLUIDRA is the global leader in the swimming pool and Wellness field. The company needed a platform to perform simulations based on their price list and sales history, through which it could make decisions within the organization about its products, by families, and prices; to keep providing a service to their customers that allows them to continue to be the leaders in their sector.



3ipunt worked with FLUIDRA to create a solution that allows real-time simulations within the organization of their products, based on their sales history and new costs, obtaining a price list that allows it to continue leading the pool industry, as a result.

The first challenge has been to carry out the integrations with the QUOTEX system through which we obtain all the necessary data to perform real time simulations.

Given that we had to deal with a very large volume of data, a highly optimized and structured process had to be carried out to obtain adequate results for the developed platform.

The second challenge was to be able to apply all the needs within a web platform, in terms of setting the scope and obtaining results in a dashboard displaying KPI’s in a graphical and numerical way.

3ipunt has developed a fully customized solution that adapts to the customer needs and business aims.


The platform will be implemented in the 3 most important countries where the company is present in Europe. With this, they hope to continue to be a world leader in the swimming pool field.

At 3ipunt, a company focused on information technology, we count with extensive expertise to find fully customized solutions adapted to the specific needs of each of our customers. Contact us at contacte@tresipunt.com to share what your needs are!

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