About us
We are a team of professionals with more than twenty years of experience in the technology world. Throughout the history of 3ipunt, we have evolved, both in number and quality. We are a small big family.
If there is a term that defines us, it would be computer craftsmen. And no, not because we develop software with clay no, but because we take care of every detail as if it was a work of art, giving a high added value. We are firmly committed to Free Software, and that is why we base our integral consultancy services in information and communication technologies on it.
Working in the world of software means being up to date and besides knowing the latest Rosalía hit, we are in constant movement and training. We have an agile and flexible structure that allows us to adapt quickly to market changes. As well as to the needs and requirements of our projects.
If you have come this far, there are 3 possible scenarios:
AWe are so interesting that you are stuck with us like a best seller
BYou might be interested in our services
CWe are very nice and you want to invite us to your next birthday party
DAll three are correct
In any case, do not hesitate contacting us, we will be happy to meet you.

Our journey to date
Let’s start
We started as a technology and development company.
We joined the e-learning world with several customers, which we continue to maintain.
We are part of
We became a Moodle Partner after more than 10 years of experience with e-learning projects.
We continue.
We are associated with the following entities
and we have these certifications

It is the world’s leader collaborative non-profit organisation, enabling technology to advance, scale and improve participation and the goals of education.

Through AWS, businesses can take advantage of Amazon’s expertise and its economies of scale to access resources when their business needs them, delivering results faster and at a lower cost.

Brickfield Education Labs
Improve the quality of online education by searching, correcting and ensuring the accessibility of content in Moodle.

Edutech Cluster
The cluster of companies and educational institutions that collaborate in the improvement of education through ICT.

DXtera Institute was created to allow organisations to optimise existing systems to drive student success.

Blindside Networks, allows you to offer effective online classes with BigBlueButton to students all over the world.

Catalan Free Software Association. It promotes Catalan companies and their capabilities to provide quality services surrounding free software.

ISO 9001
Quality is very important to us, that’s why we have been certified with ISO 9001, the internationally recognized standard for quality management systems. This is a very important aspect for us.