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Amanda, a woman in the tech field

Amanda del Valle, specialised in CMS and project manager, is a woman full of humor, with an informal, close touch, that can help you solve all those digital needs that you might have!

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Amanda del Valle, specialised in CMS and project manager, is a woman full of humor, with an informal, close touch, that can help you solve all those digital needs that you might have!

Txell, a woman in the tech field

Txell Llorach (eLearning Lead, Project Manager, and MEC facilitator). Full of humor, with an informal and close touch, she can help you solve all those digital needs that you might have!

Txell, a woman in the tech field Read More »

Txell Llorach (eLearning Lead, Project Manager, and MEC facilitator). Full of humor, with an informal and close touch, she can help you solve all those digital needs that you might have!

Eli, a woman in the tech field

Eli Hernández, CMS project developer and QA specialist. Full of humor, with an informal and close touch, she can help you solve all those digital needs you might have!

Eli, a woman in the tech field Read More »

Eli Hernández, CMS project developer and QA specialist. Full of humor, with an informal and close touch, she can help you solve all those digital needs you might have!

eBook: Facing change in the workplace

Moodle has created an eBook that will take you through the why’s and how’s of rethinking learning at the workplace. The ebook also lays out the path to developing a culture of learning.

eBook: Facing change in the workplace Read More »

Moodle has created an eBook that will take you through the why’s and how’s of rethinking learning at the workplace. The ebook also lays out the path to developing a culture of learning.

Create a Moodle Child Theme

In this workshop we will learn what a child theme is and its importance in the development and customization, especially graphics, of any Moodle. It will be explained what kind of customizations can be made with a child theme and some basic inheritance issues regarding the parent theme.

Create a Moodle Child Theme Read More »

In this workshop we will learn what a child theme is and its importance in the development and customization, especially graphics, of any Moodle. It will be explained what kind of customizations can be made with a child theme and some basic inheritance issues regarding the parent theme.

Moodle 3.7 news

Moodle 3.7 news. In this video look into the latest Moodle update. In the comments link you will find the slides of the talk.

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Moodle 3.7 news. In this video look into the latest Moodle update. In the comments link you will find the slides of the talk.

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