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Everything you need to know about MEC

Everything you need to know about MEC

On Wednesday, September 15, at 3ipunt, we conducted a MeetUp in which Txell Llorach (eLearning Lead, Project Manager and MEC Facilitator) shared everything you should know about Moodle Educator Certification.

The session goes through what MEC is, the set of courses that make up its program and its contents, the advantages of having the MEC accreditation, the skills that are taken into account, the feedback received from the participants who have already taken it and, at the same time, some of the most common questions about the Moodle Educator Certification are answered.

Get ready to show off all the digital skills you need as an educator with the Moodle Educator Certification! You can still enjoy a discount of 200€ if you enroll before September 30!

DigCompEdu - Moodle Educator Certification

Please feel free to send us an email to training@tresipunt.com, if you have any further questions!

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