Yesterday 3ipunt wanted to give a voice to all the women of the company. A round table was held where each one told their beginnings, were presented some women referents and gender equality in the workplace, customers, and interviews in the technological world were discussed, among other topics.
We cannot begin this article without introducing you to the wonderful women who make up the “cast” of 3ipunt at the round table; Amanda del Valle, Mercè Noguer, Elena Barrios, Meri Reves, Yolanda Cano, Alba Illan, Tamara Piqueras, Raquel Villán, Xènia Inglés, Txell Llorach, Eli Janes, Ari Fiol, Laia Canet, Sara Badia and Carla Casalots. Thank you all for being part of it!

We would like to share with you some words as a summary of all the conclusions and interesting topics that have been discussed at the event
It is March 8, 2022, and unfortunately, we are still claiming Women’s Day. And we use the word unfortunately because we wish it wasn’t necessary. With today’s round table, we do not expect to change the world, but if at least we have made you reflect, we consider our goal accomplished.
We have talked about the technology world, but there are more realities that should not be forgotten. And, above all, there is a lot of diversity among women, and you are all equally important. None of you should feel secondary.
We hope with all our hearts that you will help us. We know that the fight, unfortunately, belongs to us, but the responsibility is collective. And many times it is not necessary to make big changes or pretend the impossible, let’s start with ourselves and our surroundings, step by step: Let’s think about it. Let’s change outdated speeches that have become true after repeating them so much. Let’s go out and show that many of them are not true, let’s change the speech, the way we relate to each other, and all the sexism we have internalized. Let us evolve and help those who do not see it so that gradually open their eyes.
As Angela Davis said, it’s not about accepting the things we can’t change, it’s about changing the things we can’t accept.
Beyond collectivity, which at this point is more than obvious. Or of the sisterhood, which is so necessary. It must be said that change starts inside of us, is a deep decision process, on a profound decision process. We must interiorize it and begin to change it.
In conclusion, it is about empathizing, opening your mind, and above all unlearning. We encourage you to do it so that there will be no more March eights…
And, above all, not just today. Every day, always, until it is true that there is no need to claim it.