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MoodleMoot Global 2023, how it happened

MoodleMoot Global 2023, how it happened

After three days of discussions and presentations with more than 100 speakers from 24 countries and with the participation of more than 700 people specialized in Moodle and the education sector, we can say that MoodleMoot Global 2023 was a great success.

The event had several phases spread over the three days of the event.

The first day focused on lifelong learning across the lifespan, addressing people of all ages and using a variety of methods to meet individual needs.

Artificial Intelligence: A Game Changer in Education and Business

Moodle founderMartin Dougiamas focused his talk on artificial intelligence in education,emphasizing how we interact with it and how its tools can be used in education to replace human labor because it is cheaper, better, and safer.

He also spoke about open source solutions as a comprehensive educational system and their potential for learning specific skills.
The way in which artificial intelligence interacts with the user experience marked a debate full of reflections on the dilemmas faced by designers and educators: what is the future of AI in education, how can it be introduced in virtual classrooms, and so on. These are questions that developers must ask themselves in order to create simple platforms.

Welcome to Moot global 2023

Integrating technology into education: Open EdTech

A workshop on EdTech, with the general idea of incorporating technology into education and how we can improve the learning experience, focused much of the morning of the second day at MoodleMoot.

With individual development teams, breakthroughs can be made and services can be built globally as a collaborative community, shaping Moodle to become an even better LMS.

Moodle Workplace, the solution for the enterprise

Another session looked at the enterprise solution, Moodle Workplace, and how some institutions have moved away from traditional Moodle to an LMS platform more focused on workplace training.
Government agencies that have chosen to move from Moodle to Workplace say that Workplace’s alignment with European Union guidelines and standards promotes lifelong learning for public employeesand offers options for using technology to provide continuing education and skills development in the public sector.

Celebrations in between presentations

It wasn’t all going to be work sessions. Breaks, networking spaces, and moments to toast and share the experience in a more relaxed atmosphere, making new contacts and connections between Moodlers from different parts of the world have served to make the experience even more rewarding and enriching.

See what 3ipunt experienced at MoodleMoot Global 2023.

For another year, we offer our Moodle experience with a talk on integration and license management between Moodle and publishers using LTI protocols. Our CTO at 3iPunt, Antoni Bertran, was in charge of presenting the work we are doing as a member of the EduTech Cluster.

Cristina Valdera López, Director of CeDeC (Centro Nacional de Desarrollo Curricular en Sistemas no Propietarios) and our CEO Pau Plana enlightened us with their masterful presentation on the integration of Moodle with the eXeLearning Online Content Generator and the ease with which course authors can generate SCORM content or websites directly with eXeLearning Online.

Our colleague Txell Llorach, eLearning Project Manager, organized a workshop where we talked about the great evolution that Moodle has undergone in recent years. It was established as a goal that as a community of Moodlers, we must focus on the real needs of the user, with the user experience as a premise.

After these days of conferences, presentations, workshops, reflections, etc., we went home with a very good taste in our mouths and with many possibilities and the desire to continue exploring new ways to achieve a more successful education.

We thank Moodle for the good organization and leave you with some pictures of the fantastic event.

See you next time!!!

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