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Success case about McGraw-Hill and Moodle Workplace

Success case about McGraw-Hill and Moodle Workplace

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McGraw Hill Education (MHE), an important international publishing company, needed a platform to be able to offer their books nationally, at different levels of education in Spain, mainly for Middle and High School within the different country regions.



McGraw Hill worked with the Moodle Premium Partner, 3ipunt, to create a solution that enables McGraw Hill to manage and distribute their textbooks centrally. It was important to have the ability to apply changes directly to all the platforms deployed with their content, centrally, for each institution that uses it.

The expertise we have at 3ipunt and our knowledge about McGraw Hill’s needs made us choose Moodle Workplace, above all for its content-sharing capabilities through multi-tenancy options.

3ipunt developed a completely customized solution that adapted to the customer needs and business goals.

Also, we created special customizations for McGraw Hill, which could be seamlessly integrated into Moodle Workplace. We included customized enrolment methods, an integration with McGraw Hill’s CMS (Alfresco) and a course enrolment manager to automate the creation and assignment of license codes, among others.


The platform currently counts 12,000 users, but McGraw-Hill’s Moodle Workplace is constantly growing. Around 200 books have been created and distributed throughout Spain.

Juan Francisco Ocaña, Product and Digital Strategy Director at McGraw Hill highlights 3ipunt’s excellence and declares that “the flexibility of Moodle Premium Partner 3ipunt to address and customize solutions for our market has been outstanding. The whole process was very well organized in phases and stages, bringing together people to accomplish various objectives”.

For further information about the success case with McGraw- Hill, you can visit this article

If you want to know about all the advantages of enjoying Moodle Workplace, do not hesitate to visit our website or send us an email to contacte@tresipunt.com.

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