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Success in the PENSA project (Erasmus +)

Success in the PENSA project (Erasmus +)

The pandemic has provided us with another success case and has proved, once again, that telecollaboration is not only possible between professionals, but can also create and build optimal structures for innovation.

The project for Teacher Professionalization using Digital Technology to support Autonomy and Citizenship (PENSA) supported and promoted by the European Union and with the collaboration of universities and educational clusters, which we already talked about in this article, has successfully completed its first part.

And… The result was excellent! Two weeks focused on training and sharing tools, strategies and, above all, a lot of Open Source to a team of teachers who are at the forefront in the dissemination and implementation of pedagogical tools. 

The impossibility of conducting face-to-face training and educational sessions has provided us with the opportunity to test training and telecollaboration among professional teams of university education.

The integration of Open Source tools in the Moodle platform has been a solid and dynamic structure to start the PENSA project. 

To facilitate and streamline the conference experience, we have used from video-conferencing tools such as Big Blue Button, to packages as complete as Next Cloud, through HTML content editors like H5P and, finally, gamification plugins integrated to Moodle, using Quizventure and Stash, among others.

Likewise, we want to highlight the good acceptance of the gamification strategies used during the conference. These included game methodologies, as well as the possibility to earn points to receive prizes, team challenges to achieve common objectives and the presentation of content through dynamic quizzes.

All this provided an easy way to facilitate sessions and the sense of continuity between the modules and the different meetings.

Let us introduce you to the winner of the overall sessions, Jackie Robbins, the participant who has most actively explored the sections, resources and activities created by the different teachers in the platform.

We closed the first training sessions concluding that e-learning and telecollaboration are here to stay, strengthening themselves more than ever.

Also it is important to emphasize that the European Union is committed to Open Source tools and that we are in a great moment for educational innovation thanks to motivated, trained and oriented professionals working together.

May the Open Source be with you!

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