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Technological resources in the classroom must be exploited to the maximum to enhance students’ learning. That is why we provide you with another elearning resource in this article, the interactive infographic with which you will be able to improve the online learning experience.

What is an interactive infographic?

Also called interactive dashboard, these are those technological resources that allow users to act with the content in a unique way and feel like the protagonist of the process.
By using the “mouse” the user can view the information and content of the interactive infographic as if it were a guided tour as if it were a game. Unlike static infographics, these boards offer that interactivity that encourages student participation by providing content at their own pace.


These digital contents offer a personalized experience that is better assimilated, and therefore, retention increases. At 3ipunt, we recommend including this type of gamification in your elearning courses, as it will help you provide more attractive content and increase the chances of success.

3ipunt, e-learning gamification experts

Where are the interactive boards used?

Its use is intended for both educational and corporate communication purposes.

In educational centers, they are very practical when it comes to incorporating new learning or visually reinforcing what has already been learned.

In companies, its use is more common for internal communication, to guide learning, to show data, etcetera.

Benefits of interactive infographics

A picture is worth a thousand words and if you can interact with the information, retention is even greater. This is the great benefit of this type of infographics. Let’s take a look at the main reasons why this digital resource is recommended:

1. They attract more attention

Psychologists define that 50% of our brain is linked to visual processing. The story they tell, the numbers, and the graphics are processed better because the brain processes them in different parts.


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2. Interactive infographics go viral

Viral content is of primary importance in the times in which we live. Users won’t mind sharing it so that others can benefit from your content.

3. Simplify extensive content

Relevant information can be displayed with easy-to-process data through visual elements.


With this type of interactive content, corporate training or presentations are true experiences.
Now that you know the potential of interactive infographics, we encourage you to incorporate them, since there is a greater chance that users will be more willing to read them, understand them, and, what is more important in the e-learning world, remember them.

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