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This is how MoodleMoot Global 2022 went in Barcelona

This is how MoodleMoot Global 2022 went in Barcelona

835 Moodlers in Barcelona, representing 60 countries, came prepared for the biggest Moodle event to talk about everything related to technology and digital training.

3ipunt was there as Moodle experts and Moodle Premium Partner.

Day 1: MoodleMoot Global 2022

To begin, we will hear a keynote speech from our CEO and founder of Moodle, Martin Dougiamas, who will discuss Moodle’s evolution and “Where we can take Moodle next”.

With team photos, coffee breaks, and chats between professional colleagues, the event was a very enjoyable one. Three intense days immersed in the world of online education and the elearning platform par excellence: Moodle.

The lectures and conferences were led by professionals in the world of online education such as Moodle developers, eLearning project managers and leaders, coordinators, UX and design managers, and eLearning project managers.

Many topics related to Moodle community support, assessments, Moodle site management and integrations into the learning platform, accessibility, and UX were discussed.

3ipunt Solucions Informàtiques were Platinum sponsors of the event

Moodle partners 2022

In some workshops we were discussing issues of student-centered education: empowerment of students and teachers.

We ended the day in a more colloquial way, with networking beers, and meeting with the Moodle Users Association.

Day 2: MoodleMoot Global 2022

The second day of MoodleMoot Global 2022 includes a night out!

The theme, “time travel”, encouraged participants to dress up for the party. There was a contest for the best costumes and the lucky winner received a free ticket to next year’s Moot.

Celebration party Moodlemoot

Andreia Inamorato, international researcher, lecturer, public speaker and consultant in digital education, educational technologies and open education. She spoke about ‘Educating for the future: the transformative power of openness’.

After morning coffee we break into four sessions. On this second day, we talked about Moodle Workplace, Realising the full potential of Moodle, and Supporting an international and diverse community. In the workshop room, we have talks and workshops on Adapting course formats to Moodle 4.0.

We then have four more sessions, consisting of Testing and integrations and Mobile apps. including the Moodle App. In the workshop room, we have a Moodle NextGen Workshop, as an Open Edtech component, from Moodle founder and CEO, Martin Dougiamas.

The last talks of the day covered Moodle of the Future, Moodle site management and Analytics.

Day 3: MoodleMoot Global 2022

The last day started a little later due to the party in the evening. Even so, the day was full of interesting content. 

We began with an energising coffee before we hear from our keynote panel of speakers hosted by Shalimar Anderson from Moodle US, who will lead the discussion on “Learning Management Systems: What does the future hold?”.

We then moved straight into more sessions, with talks on MoodleNet/MoodleApps, Moodle site management and integrations, and accessibility and inclusion. Also with workshops aimed at Moodle educators.

The following sessions covered H5P interactive activities, learning design, and student-centered education: empowering students.

It ended with a closing session by Moodle founder and CEO Martin Dougiamas to officially bring MoodleMoot Global 2022 to a successful end.

Martin Dougimas speech

Our experience as eLearning experts

A very enriching experience for all of us who love online training and are involved in the world of new learning technologies. 

Our team, always ambitious, does and works with the things they like and develops tailor-made to bring out the full potential of this eLearning platform in order to always satisfy the needs of our customers. 

We will be there again next year with great enthusiasm and with our 3ipunt stand to offer all the necessary information and share with the Moodle community. 

See you next year! 

3ipunt team
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